Membership form

Your information, your promotion!

Welcome to Tourisme Haut-Richelieu (THR) - Your Portal to Partnership

We're delighted to invite you to join our growing network of partners committed to enhancing and promoting Haut-Richelieu tourism businesses. By registering today, you're taking a significant step towards increasing your visibility and development in this dynamic region.

Membership form (partners)

Here's the form you'll need to register as a partner with Tourisme Haut-Richelieu, the organization dedicated to promoting tourism activities in the Haut-Richelieu region. This is your opportunity to read or reread the inclusion of the free partnership and additional paying options offered especially to companies registered at reduced rates, in order to support you in your development.

Step 1 of 4 - Private

1. What we need to know (PRIVATE) :

DD dash MM dash YYYY
Day this document is completed
Name of person responsible for communications and/or promotion(Required)
DD dash MM dash YYYY
Do you have any events to promote during the year?
If you have any events to promote during the year, please send us all the information using the form at
Do you have any packages to promote during the year?
If you have packages to promote during the year, please contact Véronique at 514 501-6373 or send us details and photos by e-mail