Visit us

Here you'll find all the information you need to visit us! 

The Haut-Richelieu region welcomes you in all seasons, and the staff at the Information Office will be delighted to help you during your visit!

Welcome to Haut-Richelieu!  

High moment informing


130 du Quai Street
Québec, Canada
J3B 6Y6

Phone: (450) 542-9090 / 1 (888) 781-9999

Opening dates :
Monday to Sunday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm


By car

Departure from Montreal

Champlain Bridge

  • Champlain Bridge
  • Highway 10, eastbound.
  • Highway 35 South
  • Exit 43 South

View itinerary on Google Maps

Jacques Cartier Bridge

  • Jacques Cartier Bridge
  • Joining 132 West
  • Highway 10, eastbound
  • Highway 35 South, Exit 43 South

View itinerary on Google Maps

Arriving via the Eastern Townships

Eastern Townships

  • Join the 10, heading west
  • Exit 29, direction 133 Sud
  • Follow signs for Gouin Bridge

View itinerary on Google Maps

From the United States

From Vermont

  • Highway 89
  • Route 2

View itinerary on Google Maps

From New York

  • Route 11

View itinerary on Google Maps

By bus

From Montreal

Car rental company



Discount Car and Truck Rental

  • 925, rue Pierre-Caisse, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Qc) J3B 8C6
  • Telephone: 450 359-6757
  • To get to the terminal: on foot (10 minutes)


Good Route

By bike



United States